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31 contributions to Pivot2Tech
FREELANCER - Paid or Free work?🥁🥴
As a freelancer, there's a line to draw between earning an income and doing work for free. It can happen A LOT in this industry. From a good few of my mentees, these are a few reasons: 1. The client is soft and you don't want to 'offend' them by asking for money 2. The client is a friend, money isn't everything 3. You're scared to be upfront with them in case you lose them 4. You don't think the work and time you put into a task is worth invoicing for It's common to give money the large talk, but do you live up to it? Let's break it down real quick: 1. You don't want to offend a client by asking for money: There shouldn't be a need to feel that invoicing or requesting funds should offend someone. Simply put, it is your service in return for money. There is no offence. Tackle this by telling the client what the rough price of the job is before you start the job. This way they can decide on whether or not to go ahead - or acknowledge they need to pay X amount by X date for the completion of whatever task you're carrying out. 2. You have a good relationship with them. I.e they're a friend Just because you're pals doesn't mean you can't discount them. As a friend, they should be willing to support you and your business - your livelihood. They'll buy from places who're absolute strangers to them, so why not you? As their friend, you'll ensure to give the best quality, but also maybe somewhat a discount too. So don't think that your work should be done for free just because of your relationship with them, this shouldn't determine how you run your business. I like to pay the full price for products/services from my friends, but I do expect better than usual input from them or further advice where necessary. 3. You're afraid to be upfront This industry can be ruined by those who do not speak up when it's needed. You need to know your value & know where you stand. I have never in my life met a mechanic or someone who works at a restaurant who is afraid to ask for the bill or give a quote/price.
Tech Networking Event This Friday at Kings Cross, London
Hey all - Hope you've had a great weekend and back on the grind!! A few good friends of mine are hosting a tech networking event this Friday in KX, London (Venue is 🔥) They've collaborated with my agency to get this going and I'm giving back to P2T as a whole to extend invitations here too (I believe spaces are 70% full, and we're capping it at 30-40 attendees) It's all around Saas, Customer Success, Ai & general tech. Good convo's to be made - BUT, the catch is you've got to bring some value. It's not an opportunist zone. You come to get value, make great convo's and connections but also give back value. It is a very informal event - post work, close to the weekend kinda vibe. Chit chat with likeminded people. If you're up for it you can mark yourself as attending for FREE here: I'll be there of course, so it'd be nice to meet some of you face to face ✌️ Expect to meet U30 founders of and too
Tech Networking Event This Friday at Kings Cross, London
Between now and May is when work can get BUSY
Hello all. The Summer wave has finished. Kids are back to school. Biz owners are back from holidays. They're aware that Q4 needs a whole load of website work, digital marketing, copywriting, video editing, software dev and other skills/work required for their business. This is a great time for outreach, warm & cold. Contact all your previous clients asking if they need anything doing, and if they know anyone else that does (Approach with an offer) ⇾ Go to local stores ⇾ Post a promotion in WhatsApp groups ⇾ On all your socials, promote your portfolio ⇾ Give pains and solutions ⇾ Talk about your niche and how you can boost the industry ⇾ Sign up to events, go to where your ICP is, mingle & network. Word of Mouth will work wonders right now, atleast up until it quietens down during the winter Xmas break. Even if the person you intended doesn't become a paying client, they'll know someone who will. Treat them nicely and give enough value for them to take your advice and do it themselves. Get going, get working. It's not easy, but the rewards are plentiful. If it was easy, everyone'd be doing it.
New comment 7d ago
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@Muna Nor Most welcome 👊
What’s the 1 problem you’re aiming to solve this week? 😮‍💨
Share 1 problem you’re trying to solve this week. As a community, we should aim to help and benefit from each other to overcome hurdles! Anything relating to your freelance career Me and @Shuayb A will give our 2 pence as well Let’s go 💪
New comment 7d ago
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@Shuayb A same man.. caused so much unnecessary headache! Good news is my webinar end of this month is all about that 🙌
0 likes • 7d
@Ridwan Mohamed get started yesterday, this is your sign to crack the nut as you say! Perhaps working on self confidence skills will in turn help you get out of that awkwardness. Consider a confidence boot camp or public speaking workshop…
First Project
Hi All, I have managed to secure my first client, they are a friend who wants to start a tuition group. I have already had a chat with them with regards to what they are looking for and one of the things they want is a contact form, I don't have a lot of experience with creating something like that so does anyone have any vids they suggest? My other question is as this will be relatively simple site would you keep everything on one page or have a seperate page just for the form?
New comment 4d ago
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Great news. Are you building the project out on a particular CMS?
1-10 of 31
Suly Peerally
360points to level up
7+ years web design agency owner [] Freelancer Mentor [P2TF] CIC Co-founder💡

Active 11h ago
Joined Jul 18, 2024
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