Write something
Roast This Page!
The page is bare bones, it's empty and hollow. By all means roast it. I never take my anger out on other people and this is a safe space. Feel free to say what you want!
New comment May 4
Today's Daily!
Comment what goal you have for today that you want to accomplish.
New comment May 4
Weekly Goals
The difference between daily and weekly goals is that daily goals are small goals that just need a little time investment. Weekly goals are bigger goals that need more time invested in order to be completed. What is your weekly goal that you want to accomplish?
New comment Apr 25
Raid Boss: What Is Your Dream Goal?
What is it you want to learn or do in your life?
New comment Apr 23
Welcome! Start Here!
Introduction!! Short and simple so you can start learning! Building an audience does take time! When it comes to becoming a successful content creator you need to learn a variety of different skills. This course is just meant to help you learn these skills as fast as possible! If you want to develop a great community then you need to be part of a community as well! The goal of the community is to build a place where we can all learn by interacting and teaching each other things we don't know. The first step is to just introduce yourself below and interact with someone else! The winner on the leaderboard at the end of the month gets a free coaching session! Our main rules! Treat others how you want to be treated! If you're going to self promote do it in a way that provides value to others by teaching them something you learned from your stream.
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Every Pixel Sparks Innovation!
The best community for gamers looking for people to play with, become creators, or start a business.
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