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Here is everything you need to pass your PMP
Here are some links to my materials that students use to pass the PMP. Here is a link to my Live PMP Bootcamp: "This course is great for folks who like direct instructor interaction and feedback." Here is a link to my e-learning or live PMP coaching class. "Pass your PMP exam in 30 days!" Check out my exam simulator: "Think you're ready to take on the PMP? Prove it with exam like questions and video explanations." Check out my exam ebook PMP Exam Prep Simplified: "The same detailed book in a convenient digital format." Check out my PMP Cram Course: "A quick refresher right before the exam?" Check out my 60 PDU PMP Renewal Course: "One-stop-shop for PMP renewal qualification." Here is a link to my Amazon Study Guide: "My bestselling study guide. Comes with a free 35 PDU PMP course." Here is a link to my Youtube Channel: "See all the latest PMP from me and live weekly Q&A." -AR
New comment 20d ago
Community Rules and Guidelines
Welcome everyone to the newest and best community for PMP resources and discussion! To ensure the best possible experience for all members, we are establishing some basic guidelines for participation. By joining and using this forum, you agree to follow these rules. Anyone seen to be violating these rules can be reported to General Rules: Respect for Others: Treat all members with respect and courtesy. Harassment, bullying, discrimination, and personal attacks are strictly prohibited. Engage in discussions constructively. Disagreements are normal, but personal conflict should be handled through private messages or by reporting the issue to a moderator. Content Relevance: Stick to the purpose of the forum. Only post content that is relevant to the topics being discussed. Irrelevant content may be removed. Use the search function before posting. Frequently asked questions and topics may already have been answered or discussed. Prohibited Content: Do not post or link to content that is obscene, sexually explicit, illegal, or that violates any local or international laws. Spam, advertisements, or self-promotion are forbidden without express permission from the moderators. This includes unsolicited promotional materials, junk mail, spam links, and any other forms of solicitation. Privacy and Security: Do not share your personal information or the personal information of others. This includes, but is not limited to, real names, email addresses, and private addresses. Respect the privacy of other members' posts and do not share discussions outside the forum without permission. Account Responsibility: You are responsible for the security of your account. Choose a strong password and do not share it with others. Each member is allowed one forum account only. Multiple accounts per individual are not permitted. Do not provide or request login information for any outside accounts or subscriptions. Moderation: The forum moderators reserve the right to remove any posts without prior notice that do not adhere to these rules.
New comment Aug 7
Study Groups Info
The study groups section is meant to be a student-led space for students to self-organize into study groups. Please make a new post for each group, to keep things organized here. Don't forget to include when you are available and what communication medium you'd like to use (discord, zoom, etc). We are working to make this a valuable resource for students going forward. Feel free to post ideas in the suggestions/feedback category. As this community evolves and Skool adds more features, we hope to add additional functionality to this section in the future.
New comment 2d ago
Passed my PMP Exam on 1st try.
Thanks to invaluable resources from @Andrew Ramdayal, I was able to prepare for and sit for the PMP in a month. I needed the certificate ahead of a job interview and I'm glad I had access to the online course and simulation which proved to be massively helpful. I received my job offer shortly after the interview. Loads of questions focused on Agile in the exams, I observed. The exams is truly mid to high difficulty. Keep an eye on the timer, it runs 5X faster when it's game time. In all, don't dwell too long on any question(s) you don't immediately have an answer for. Mark it for review and move on, you can always go back and review at the end of each segment.
New comment 2h ago
Passed PMP exam
I have passed PMP exam on 17 September 2024, thank you Andrew Ramdayal
New comment 2h ago
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