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Relaunching our podcast!
If you’d like to be a guest let me know in the comments
My New Sales Process! Thanks to Jimmy!
Check out my new sales process. A mentor once told me if there's no system there is no business. Create a process your people can follow!
New comment 15d ago
My New Sales Process! Thanks to Jimmy!
The Power of a network
The ole saying goes, “your network is your net worth!” I’m constantly amazed by the connections made and business opportunities that develop simply from networking and relationship building. Recently I got a really cool consulting opportunity from a client to help another business. And the referral was so strong because the network and relationship was strong. All this had me thinking. I’m going to do my best to be active here and do my best to support you other creators out there building businesses too. Let’s fortify our network and support each other. I’m super active on LinkedIn and if you share content and podcast episodes there, I’d love to connect so I can Like/Comment on your stuff: Also… if there’s anything else I can do to support. Hit me up! :)
New comment 29d ago
Linda Allred New Book Launch Journey To Lasting Happiness - Rene' Manfre
Listen To Our WYP Podcast Show: Journey to lasting happiness using Linda Allred’s transformative five-step system harnessing the subconscious mind and manifestation principles. You can cultivate mental resilience through practical exercises, adopt empowering habits, and shed limiting beliefs. This in-depth guide explores self-hypnosis, supported by scientific evidence and real-life success stories. Understand how your beliefs and habits are formed and how to control your thoughts and train your inner critic to be your best friend. Embark on your journey toward sustained happiness, health, and success. Linda Allred Website:
New comment Aug 18
Linda Allred New Book Launch Journey To Lasting Happiness - Rene' Manfre
How Relationships Can Build Your Construction Business - Dace Duffy Rock Solid Construction This is one of my podcast shows this last week introducing a good friend and learning more of how our relationship has grown into a mentorship as well as a joint venture opportunity on some upcoming projects.
How Relationships Can Build Your Construction Business - Dace Duffy Rock Solid Construction
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