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PE Challenge
Let's post prompt engineering (PE) challenges, and compete. We can collectively form a dataset and test our code. I just asked ChatGPT to give me a challenge and here it is. An example:
New comment Jul 25
PE Challenge
Probably switching to paid accounts
Since this is $100/month and there are no questions, am going topivot and turn it into a niche specific paid channel for folks who are jumping onto the AI train and have specific questions. Otherwise, it's overwhelming to develop study guides-- it just changes too fast. There are other channels and TONS of resources with structured learning guides that are probably better scaffolded. Meantime, I am going to have webinars because those are free and are part of the plans I do turn profits from. They are also free.
restarting zooms
Zooms will be for the specific niches I am working for. Starting with doctors, veterinarians and lawyers. THey will be webinars for people in those industries that have questions. I was GONNA do this, but it's just plain not fun for me :/ plus there are already lots of places you can do this. However, if someone wants to handle these on this channel, you are welcome to. If you draw people into it, you can have 40% of the revenue through the recurring billing on here. Free Zooms will resume very soon, there will be 4: newbies into prompt engineering not new but not coders coders people who can sell for $-grabs during key moments in ai evolution (you don't work for ME, you work for YOU, but I can pay you for paid leads that generate income for a short time) if there is something specific you want to learn, feel free to post on here so i can make sure to capture it these will be '30 minute webinars' maybe 1 way talking if there are > 2 other people, with answers to questions or pre-designed structure to stay focused . They are ABSOLUTELY intended as funnels so I can find people who either want to try to sell for the latest money grab, or for me to generate my own leads to sign up for some AI automation email list management. they will be posted to youtube, free to watch details to come
How to start rolling in ai using automation
"AI" can scare lots of people, but automation is usually seen as helpful by eveyrone. Automation opens the doors for AI to work better; it lets agentic workflows happen. Rather than curating content for here, feel free to ask questions or use this info to help you decide how you will use AI
How to start rolling in ai using automation
Let's do something
Elsa is busy. I see there are 20 other members here in this group. If everyone made a post a week, this group would be a lot more active. We need to ignite each other. We don't have to know to teach. Teaching is a good way of learning :).
Let's do something
1-11 of 11
Hyperfocused on prompt engineering to make money $ - a piece of the AI $ pie
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