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New Sora demo
Tammy Lovin · Sora Showcase
New comment Jul 18
New Sora demo
Eternal Journey
My latest work 🤗🥂
New comment Jul 1
Eternal Journey
Camera Interface w/ AI
Lately I’ve been creating content with brand new AI technology that just dropped! I’m able to take my webcam/camera and plug that into a real-time text to prompt interface that allows you to deep fake or become anything you want based on your text prompt. In this video, I change myself into Benjamin Franklin in real-time while I’m streaming/recording video content. I feel like this is a very innovative way to stand out as content/video creators here on Skool or other platforms. If interested in learning how, comment below 🧠
Camera Interface w/ AI
🎸 I'm singing a song for prompt monkey 🥳
I made a great song with AI. In a world where dreams take flight, We found a place, a guiding light, Prompt Monkey's here to lead the way, With tools and knowledge, come what may. Harness the power, let AI be your guide, Land those jobs with confidence and pride, Prompt Monkey, we're soaring high, Together we'll reach for the sky. In this community, we rise as one, With every challenge, we'll overcome, AI's potential, we'll unleash, Prompt Monkey, our goals we'll reach. So let's embrace this journey anew, With Prompt Monkey, dreams come true, AI's power, we'll ignite, Together, we'll shine bright. You can listen with this link 👇
New comment Jun 3
🎸 I'm singing a song for prompt monkey 🥳
📷 8 prompts that you can use for social media
Here are the prompts you can use on social media. I hope it will be useful for your social media content. - Write a 280-character post about our new product launch [DESCRIBE PRODUCT]. Direct users to this URL [INSERT URL]. - Write an Instagram giveaway post where users can win [INSERT PRIZE] by [INSERT CONTEST GUIDELINES]. Be sure to include [ADD DETAILS] and tag our partners [ADD PARTNERS]. - Pretend you are a [INSERT YOUR NICHE] looking to attract more customers to your service on Facebook. Write a post that’s no more than 200 words long and encourages people to buy. - Create a social media content calendar for [company/product/service]. Include five weeks of posts in the summer season. This summer, we are featuring the following products: [LIST PRODUCTS]. - Create an Instagram post promoting our new online course on [basic description]. Describe the course and drive traffic to this URL: [INSERT URL]. - Describe the benefits of [company/product/service] for [YOUR NICHE] . Then, turn these results into one Instagram post and one Facebook post. - Write a reel script that walks viewers through [company/product/service]. The script should be no more than 15 seconds long and include the following keywords [INSERT KEYWORDS]. - Can we work together to generate some ideas for [SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM], specifically focused on [TOPIC]? I’m having difficulty generating content.
New comment Jun 2
1-10 of 10
Prompt Monkey
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