Breaking Down Look
Hello fam,
just wanted to share with the community a simple process i go through to educate myself and collaborators when a moodbaord or lookbook is shared. I usually talk first with director what should i look for and the reason those images are chosen, what in there resonate with the projects.
Then technically speaking i break it down in 3 steps:
False color/ Color palette / Waveform. You can do it in Davinci Resolve, or any generator online.
The reason behind it, to me it's easier to spot the visual language (in terms of levels) that lead to the final product through the piece with the false color.
The color palette allow me to go in depth into all the elements needed to create such a tone and mood and feeling, and last but not least,
the wave form educate me on how dense the image is, where the shadow and highlights are being set (in grade) relative to the image my eyes see. It allows me to work my levels knowing to aim for such and such density or not this were the signal needs to sleep.
Also knowing what we will be working with if we might be thin because close to the breaking point of any sensor.
I hope this helps.
Have a great week.
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Franck Onouviet
Breaking Down Look
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