Perspective of life on set
Life on a film set is hard. Sometimes it films like you are at war. A battlefield! People literally died physically.. Others get hurt. And other died when they get fired simply because of politics. I've seen it and experience it myself. How do I cope with it? I think about the game of baseball. I played baseball since I was 7 years old all the way to my mid 20's. How do I relate baseball to film? Baseball is a team sport. Story telling is a team effort. As a full time focus puller, sometimes I beat myself over the head because I am not nailing every shot. The same way a hitter is not going to hit every pitch thrown at him. Same happens on set.. Actors not delivering their lines, dolly grip missing their mark, Operator not achieving the proper frame, focus puller buzzing a shot, DP not achieving the lighting the dir/producer wants, etc. Everyone is going to make mistakes.. The point I am trying to make is to do your best or like Jordam Oram mentioned in another post: It's not about perfection. Do your best! And have a short term memory. Speak up on set if you need another take. Talk to your team, help each other out, ask for help. Always be safe. Remember, it is only a JOB.
Haffe Acosta
Perspective of life on set
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