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Voluum for Ecom
Hey Guys I'm running Native Ads for Ecom. Currently, I am using Hyros as 3rd Party Tracking Solution for all Channels. As we are increasingly successful with our Native Strategy I want to implement Voluum as a Testing/Tracking solution. I asked a couple of Friends who are also in Ecom and they told me that they got rid of Voluum due to inaccurate Tracking with Shopify - Do you have similar/different experience on this topic?
New comment Apr 10
Show or hide pricing on product page?
I know my answer will come down to testing, and that is what I plan to do, but I'd love to hear some opinions on this if any of you guys have experience you can share. From studying some big offers, this is what I have found: The advertorial: (Mostly) No pricing, we want to educate/entertain and to get the user onto the product page. This makes total sense and I am comfortable with my strategy for this stage of the funnel. The product page: Now, here's where it gets interesting. Some offers don't reveal pricing on this page and only reveal it at the checkout, and some offers show all the bundle options on this page and use the checkout simply to check out. From what I have seen, a lot of the offers which reveal pricing on the product page are using Shopify checkouts, and this has me wondering if the reason they are set-up like this is because the standard Shopify checkout is not very customisable - and so maybe it's a necessity to set up like this and not the optimum solution. I have noticed on a lot of non-shopify checkouts, funnelish/checkout-champ etc. that pricing is not revealed until the checkout. I'm trying to figure out why that is....Is the theory here that the conversion rate will increase because pricing is only revealed after the user has invested considerable time reading the advertorial and the product page? In sales generally, online and offline, it makes sense that you wouldn't reveal your price too soon before you have had the chance to build enough value. My current plan is to perhaps refer to pricing/discounts on the product page without actually naming the price. Maybe do a bit of price conditioning referring to a higher price and then tie this into the urgency/fomo at the end of the page leading to a check discount/availability CTA > then show bundle options within the checkout.... A bit of a mind dump here, just interested to hear if anyone has anything to share!
New comment Mar 13
Average CPA for Gadget Offers
Hi folks, I'm considering running a gadget offer and I wonder if anyone is willing to share the CPA's they're seeing in this market. Before anyone says "it depends" please assume: - I have a good offer - I have a good copywriter - My advertorial > sales page > checkout design/set-up is solid. Tracking working etc. - I understand (at the very least) basic optimisation I'm just trying to get a feel for the averages people are seeing. Even if you aren't in the gadget market it would be interesting to see what you are experiencing running e-commerce offers via native.
New comment Mar 5
Max Number Of Product Per Account On Taboola
I've been running ads for my branded store on Taboola for a while and I wanted to expand my sales by introducing more products to my brand. So I created a new campaign for my new product under the same Taboola account, as both products are on the same website and have the same conversion goal. However, I noticed that the CPA for my old product campaign doubled and the spend decreased on the day I launched the campaign for the new product. This continued for over a week, so I contacted my manager, who told me it was due to inventory issues. He suggested creating a different website for the new product and running ads in a different Taboola account for the new product. I'm wondering if this is the correct approach or if there's a way to do this under the same account for the same website. By the way, these things are related to Taboola.
New comment Mar 5
Max Number Of Ads Per Campaign
Hello everyone, I am new to this group and have a question about the maximum number of ads per campaign. I asked my Taboola account manager and he mentioned that there should not be more than 9 active ads per campaign on Taboola. However, for other platforms like Outbrain and MGID, the manager told me that there is no maximum limit on the number of ads per campaign. Can you please share your experience and suggest what would be an optimal number of ads per campaign for all three platforms - Taboola, MGID, and Outbrain?
New comment Mar 5
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