Summary for fyers template
Diving into code can be overwhelming, so it's essential to break it down into easy steps. From our recent class on template implementation in Fyers, here's a summarized version of the code in two main parts: Main Body and Supporting Functions. Main Body Code (7 Steps): 1. Importing essential libraries and logging into Fyers. 2. Defining a list of stocks. 3. Setting up variables. 4. Creating a Fyers object. 5. Specifying the start and end times. 6. Implementing the strategy using a while loop. 7. Closing all positions and orders at the end. Supporting Functions (10): 1. Get open orders. 2. Get open positions. 3. Retrieve historical data. 4. Close all orders. 5. Check ticker market order. 6. Check ticker orders. 7. Check ticker position. 8. Trade on buy stock. 9. Main strategy logic. 10. Summary function of the main function, encompassing all functions to execute the strategy.