Block 6 of 8 - Releasing the Block of Resentment and Blame ❤️
What hurt or resentment are you holding onto? When someone wrongs us, it’s natural to feel hurt or angry. We might even hold onto those feelings, thinking they somehow punish the person who caused them. But here’s the truth: resentment and blame don’t punish others—they punish us. These emotions create heavy, invisible barriers that block abundance, joy, and love from flowing into our lives. A Shift in Perspective 🌈 Raymond Holliwell, in Working with the Law, said it best: “If you hold in your mind that someone has wronged you, or has treated you unjustly, you cannot be free from your wrongdoings or injustice so long as you hold that thought in your consciousness.” Let that sink in for a moment. Holding onto resentment doesn’t serve you—it traps you. But when you release hurt, anger, and blame, you free yourself. You open space for love, clarity, and abundance to take their place. Affirmations to Let Go and Move Forward 🌻 Here’s an affirmation to help you release resentment and embrace freedom: 🌀 “Forgiving myself and others allows me to feel free and joyful. By releasing the past, I allow myself to move forward toward abundance. Every day I choose to let go of everything that is blocking me from moving forward. I now release all hurt, anger, and resentment. I am grateful that I am letting go of the past and embracing the present with love.” Speak this affirmation whenever you feel resentment bubbling up. Each time, it’s an act of self-love and empowerment. How AOMindSync Can Support Forgiveness 🎧 Releasing resentment is not always easy, but affirmations can help you reprogram your mind to focus on love and freedom. Hearing these affirmations in your own voice amplifies their power. 🎙️ MindSync uses a binaural process to deliver affirmations deeply into your subconscious mind, making it easier to let go of resentment and embrace peace. Imagine hearing yourself say, “I now release all hurt, anger, and resentment,” and feeling lighter with each repetition. My recording on Resentment and Blame is a great starting point. But when you record your own voice with these affirmations, the transformation becomes even more personal and profound.