🥩Raw Gains: Nailing Your Macros Without Breaking the Bank
Let's dive straight into the meat of the matter: macros. We're not here for fluff; we're here for the hard facts about proteins, carbs, and fats—your diet's backbone. Over the past seven months, I've been dissecting and mastering these elements, and it's reshaped how I approach nutrition. I'm no diet guru, just a regular guy on the grind, learning the ropes, staying lean, and doing it without breaking the bank.
Understanding macros is like unlocking the manual to your body's engine. Proteins, carbs, and fats are what keep you running. They're about optimizing your physical and mental performance. Here's the breakdown: both proteins and carbs provide 4 calories per gram, while fats ramp it up to 9 calories per gram. My daily intake starts at 200 grams of protein, 250 grams of carbs, and 100 grams of fats. But remember, these numbers aren't set in stone. They're a baseline that I tweak as I gauge my body’s responses and learn what fuels me best.
Now, let’s talk budgeting—because good nutrition shouldn’t drain your wallet. Here’s a practical guide to sourcing macros without spending a fortune:
- Canned Mackerel: It's my top pick for omega-3s and lean protein. Affordable and nutritious.
- Chicken: A staple for building muscle without splurging. Versatile for any meal.
- Mince/Patties: Quick and cost-effective, packed with high-quality protein.
- Eggs: The ultimate budget-friendly powerhouse. Perfect for any meal of the day.
- Protein Powder: Essential for muscle recovery, especially after intense workouts.
- Rice: Cheap, filling, and a great source of energy for any activity.
- Sweet Potatoes: Packed with nutrients and fibre, they’re more than just filling; they're sustaining.
- Broccoli: Low-cost, high in fibre and vitamins—key for a balanced diet.
- Oats: Start your day strong without emptying your pockets.
- Fruits (Dates, Sultanas, Berries): Ideal for a natural sugar hit that doesn’t feel like a cheat.
- Olive Oil: A kitchen essential for healthy cooking.
- Olives: Because they are damn delicious
- Avocado: Great for its versatility and healthy fats, adds creaminess to any dish.
- Also, don’t forget about Eggs and Mackerel: They’re not just protein powerhouses; they’re also rich in healthy fats.
Cost concerns? Here's a straightforward tip: cut the extras. Alcohol, takeout, and junk—eliminate these, and you’ll see not just savings but also health benefits. Reallocating funds from non-essentials to your groceries transforms your budget and your body. It’s about investing in your health, seeing your food as fuel, and your spending as an investment in a better, tougher you.
For those starting out with a tight budget and big goals, remember this: understanding and managing your macros isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. I’m still on this path myself, not as an expert, but as someone committed to living better each day. It’s about progress, not perfection.
This journey is more than diet—it's a lifestyle overhaul. It’s about making informed, deliberate choices that lead to lasting changes. Take this guide, tweak it to fit your life, and start your journey towards a smarter, stronger version of yourself.
Pictures are from me starting at Day 1 and second is Day 210.
Have you got any hot tips to share with the community as you levelled up on a budget?
Adam Avignone-Green
🥩Raw Gains: Nailing Your Macros Without Breaking the Bank
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