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Hey guys, I'm a full time coach in the HSA program and here to support you. My schedule with HSA is very full but I will be setting aside time during the week to hop in here to help out where I can. This is a free group (which is awesome) so keep in mind this set up is a basic guideline for business set up and operations. If you are needing more in-depth support and direction, I do highly recommend jumping in on HSA. A bit of my background, I started HSA as a student almost 2 years ago. Broke as a joke but had absolutely no choice but to invest in myself and figure the money part out after. I've got 15 years experience in the cleaning industry, set up and run 3 traditional (employee model) cleaning companies over the years and am on my 2nd remote cleaning company. I operate 1 full time, the other I gifted to my business partner at the time. My revenue for the first 11 months on my 2nd remote company surpassed 100k all while working here at HSA helping hundreds of students make millions of dollars. This is no joke if you take it seriously. Keep participating in the community here. Support one another, share tips, tricks, wins, losses. The cleaning business is a 'stupid' business but the mental game is real. Looking forward to connecting and helping where I can! @Jon Guzman Is also here for support as well. Jon is a full time coach in HSA and HSA's Accelerator program or "The Shark Tank" as we like to call it. Jon is an incredible coach! He's helped hundreds of students start and scale their cleaning companies to incredible revenue and profit levels. He himself has started and grown a couple of his own remote cleaning companies. He's also gotten into acquisitions of new cleaning companies, fixed and flipped for a profit. His background is in Sales, as well as organic and paid marketing. He is incredibly humble but he's a beast. Please feel free to reach out to us at any time, tag us in posts if you need help or direction! We're here for you. ❤️
New comment Aug 12
We’re hosting a FREE LIVE training tonight at 7PM EST!
Where we show you how to successfully start one of the most SLEPT-ON business models in the world: Remote House Cleaning. Secure your spot before we start and you’ll discover: ✅ Launch from Zero: Learn the exact steps to start your remote cleaning business from scratch, even if you have ZERO prior experience. ✅ Streamlined Operations: Discover the most efficient ways to set up and manage your business, ensuring smooth operations from day one. ✅ Immediate Client Acquisition: Get insider tips on landing your first clients quickly, so you can start generating income as soon as the training is over. >>> Click here to secure your seat for the “RCM” Masterclass (FREE) But most importantly… you’ll see the MASSIVE potential that’s out there still waiting to be capitalized on. And how our “clever” students have taken advantage of the hidden opportunity in the online business space… …carving out a niche that many overlook. And they’re reaping the rewards. Don’t miss out on this chance to learn from the best and take control of your financial future. Looking forward to seeing you there! (7 pm EST, TODAY) >>> Click HERE to secure your spot inside the “RCM” Masterclass before it’s gone To your success, Johnny Robinson Home Service Academy
New comment Jun 15
(take 1 min to skim this entire welcome post or you may miss out on exclusive trainings below) Here at RCS - we specialize in helping entrepreneurs start and scale fully remote cleaning businesses by applying our proven remote cleaning framework. This framework helps our members build a sustainable stream of cash flow by providing training and insights that cover the core aspects of any service based business model: Sales, Marketing, Operations, and Fulfillment. The exact framework outlined within this community has not only been responsible for the creation of our own $65k/mo remote window cleaning business, but also the successful launch and growth of our second remote cleaning business that grew from 0 to $30k/mo in just 90 days. And today - we routinely help new business owners achieve their first $5k, $10k, & even $25-50k/MONTHS using our proven strategies... Welcome to Remote Cleaning Secrets. We’re pumped to serve you. See you soon 👋, Johnny Robinson Remote Cleaning Secrets
New comment Jul 17
Commercial Win!
Hello everyone, it is been a while since I’ve been on here. Yesterday I just closed a cleaning contract for 11 stores in minnesota Area🙌🏾
I’m excited to share this great news! This month has been a huge success for my eCommerce brand, thanks to all the support and hard work. We've reached amazing stage, and I couldn’t be more grateful for this journey.
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Remote Cleaning Secrets
We help entrepreneurs build fully remote cleaning businesses by applying our proven remote cleaning framework. *NO SOLICITING. YOU WILL BE REMOVED*
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