Hidden playbook for landing cleaning jobs on auto-pilot…
I built a $30,000/month business in 90 days with a platform no one's talking about:
Yelp ads…
So today I wanted to share with you the exact playbook we used:
Step 1️⃣: Validate
Before starting, you need to know if it's going to work.
See how many advertisers are in your area.
The more the better.
You can also call your Yelp rep and ask what their search inventory is in your area.
If it's sub-2000, it's probably not worth your time.
If there are many advertisers, go to the next step.
Step 2️⃣: Get some reviews
First get a couple of reviews shown.
Then turn off the ability to message before launching your ads. This way you won't be wasting any money on leads that message you.
Step 3️⃣: Launch
Turn your ads on and optimize for calls only.
Because the way Yelp works is when someone gets a quote by message, it also gets sent out to five other companies.
So you got to be the first to respond. And it's annoying because you get a lot of price shoppers.
Turn off message leads.
Optimize for calls. The likelihood of closing the deal via phone is way higher than via message.
Then turn on a couple of the features:
You want to turn on the portfolio and the highlights. It makes your ad a little bigger so you take up more space.
See image below…
So that's it.
Stop overcomplicating it and get to work.
For context we spent $2,000/mo on Yelp ads and built a $30,000/month business in 90 days.
Tip: Yelp will give you $300 of free ad spend to start.
To building your dream✨,
Johnny Robinson
Hidden playbook for landing cleaning jobs on auto-pilot…
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