Hey everyone, can we get an update on where everyone is at?
How far are you in your current journey?
It has been a slower process for us but we are moving forward.
Hired my first sub yesterday - waiting on paperwork to come back.
I have a group interview on Wednesday for a possible two contractors added.
Pulling a list of realtors and property managers and reaching out to them.
FYI my population is 6k - I am using the areas around me that will be a combined 300k.
I am focusing only on move in and out cleans. The regular cleans will be secondary to our main product.
Going to start LSA once I get paperwork back from the Subs.
I already have SEO going on now.
I found a software that has been out for two years and they are working on competing with OpenPhone.
Working on my sales scripts and inbound lead systems. Automation for follow ups, email, promotions, review system.
Remember, take one action a day and it will snowball.
LFG Happy Tuesday.
Daniel Kong
Remote Cleaning Secrets
We help entrepreneurs build fully remote cleaning businesses by applying our proven remote cleaning framework. *NO SOLICITING. YOU WILL BE REMOVED*
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