Building Community for Contractors
Why am I doing this?
At one point there is a level of income that you make that everything is taken cared for, bills are paid, credit cards are slashed, food is on the table for my family (wife and 1 month old), travel is amazing (living in Switzerland going to nearby countries) so I you ask yourself "What's next?"
Impact is what is next in my journey, I've created a 6 figure a month business from scratch, using all the resources and knowledge I've gain with network marketing, social media marketing, restaurant service and sales experience. After 30 different attempts of making a living, I would have never believed that GUTTER contracting business would be the Remote Lifestyle I was searching for.
I am here to serve, to help cut the learning curve, learn from others, and keep on GROWING!
Jonathan Rosales
Building Community for Contractors
Remote Contractor
Group of contractors sharing ideas on marketing, sales, customer service and tricks of the trade!
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