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2023 Updates
Depending on your niche, the winter season for my gutter business slows down. However, this gives the perfect opportunity to work on systems and look at KPIs. This past month, we created a master book keeping excel from the beginning of opening up shop back in 2020. Key highlights: 1. Accounting is no joke, looking for one penny to balance the books has been quite the experience. 2. Knowing the numbers to your business is truly eye opening, instead of just operating mindlessly as I have 3. The health of the business is a reflection of your bank account
2023 Updates
2023 Goals
Continue to build reputation marketing strategy, 200 five star reviews on google, dominate the market place with consistency !
2023 Goals
It's Good To Be Good
Having a clear goal in mind is the first step to success in anything. For this reason, defining your ideal productive day is crucial. Whether you use an online management system or good old-fashioned pen and paper, it's crucial to start each day with a prioritized plan— a list of "things to do", you will then have a clear route for the rest of the day. Additionally, it's crucial to give our thoughts a rest. Take meaningful breaks throughout the day between the tasks you're working on—make lunch, take a stroll, or get in a fast workout. By doing this, you may transition between tasks with a new perspective and prevent burnout.
Times Are Changing
Due of how business have changed over the past few decades, remote contractors have become widely attractive. Many businesses are opting to choose a flexible work schedule rather than spending time and effort on office spaces as it has been proven to be greatly beneficial. As a result, team organization and project management are taken in a more modern and agile manner.
A Good Relationship Is Key
The long-term success of a business depends on developing a connection with its clients. Customers feel more safe when there is a strong relationship built on communication. This relationship can also improve customer loyalty and the rate of returning customers.
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Remote Contractor
Group of contractors sharing ideas on marketing, sales, customer service and tricks of the trade!
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