Mohneesh Rautela, I Help Restaurants with Reviews Management
Hey everyone!! First of all, thank you, , for letting me post here. I really appreciate it. I’m Mohneesh, I'm 21 years old, and I'm the founder of, an online reputation management platform designed to help restaurant owners take charge of their reviews. I'm currently in my junior year of college, pursuing a degree in Computer Science. I developed this platform as a side hustle to earn some extra money on the side after recognizing the significant impact negative reviews can have on a business. I started by doing walk-in sales in restaurants to pitch my product (this helped me get over my fear of rejection too, haha). I started seeing some success after a few door-to-door walk-ins, and now I've got about 13 restaurants as my clients.
My platform helps restaurant owners with private negative feedback collection - it prevents negative reviews from being posted on their online listings and captures the reviewer's contact info, allowing you to handle the matter privately while also protecting your online listings. It also automates the entire review collection process with a bunch of native integrations with major review platforms. I believe in providing value upfront, so if any of you need help with reviews, I'm here, and you guys are more than welcome to try out my platform for free. I'm excited to be here and connect with you all!
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Mohneesh Rautela
Mohneesh Rautela, I Help Restaurants with Reviews Management
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