Hey fam I haven’t been on here cuz I missed my payment but I am back. I need answers for plz last night well early morning hours I had a dream about Hell like I was in Hell. I can not remember it but I could when it woke me up around 5:58 am this morning it had me frightened disturbed. It has messed with me all day today I also have kind of drifted away I have not been reading my word or praying like I should have been. I have found myself cursing again just not fully living my life for God. I am wondering if God was trying to tell me or show me in that dream that I was sending myself to Hell or what it meant. Can someone maybe help me with this? Also, I would be watching service online every Tuesday and Saturday never missed it hardly but lately it is like I have been forgetting about it or forgetting what day it is. Like I have been getting distracted or something I also feel like maybe God is telling me or was showing me with this dream that I need to straighten up get it together get where I was and need to be. This dream has rly messed with me hard all day today