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💎WELCOME! Take your first 5 STEPS 💎
I'm incredibly grateful that you are here. Thank you for having the courage to acknowledge that you are worthy of being seen and heard AND thank you for putting that courage into action by seeking a safe, supportive community where you can take off the masks. In case this is our first time meeting, here's a few things to know about me: 💜 I am a trained trauma-informed Yoga Therapist from Guru Ram Das Center for Medicine and Humanology, an internationally accredited, clinically based Master’s program that integrates allopathic medical training with the application of yogic philosophy for a holistic, integrated approach to nervous system regulation. 💜I am trained in SUPERHEALTH™ holistic addiction recovery, a globally accredited program that integrates nutrition, neurophysiology, meditation, breathwork, and Kundalini Yoga to support individuals in substance recovery. 💜trained as a Positive Intelligence coach with Stanford University 💜co-authored the book She Leads, We Rise: How Female Leaders Are Driving Global Transformation, a collection of 24 female entrepreneurs sharing how they stepped into their personal leadership by transforming life obstacles into gifts. Currently a #1 Best Selling New Release! My goal is to make this Free Community better than the last $5K Coaching program you bought, and that means that we have some high standards and are building a community of people who actually engage, support, share, contribute and grow together. We regularly ... 1️⃣ Clear out members who are not active or engaged 2️⃣ Decline about 30% of people who request to join our community 3️⃣ Delete posts that are low value or quality So, welcome to the community and thank you for your willingness to take off the masks, be vulnerable, and be a positive contribution and participating member of Sage Leaders. You have already proven to yourself that you are brave - so check that off your list - that's done.✅ 🌟You are enough.🌟 and now it's time to step into your commitment to yourself. However, your results are not going to come from watching the content... they are going to come from engaging, asking questions and TAKING ACTION!!
What benefit would benefit you the most? 💎
Share which of the 4 benefits would have the greatest impact on you right now?
What are you most excited about shifting? 💎
Share with us what you are most excited to see shift as you practice Breathwalk?
💎 Welcome! Please Introduce Yourself :) 💎
To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know… #1 - Who are you, where are you from, what field are you in and what's your role? #2 - What do you want to get out of being in this community? #3 - For fun what do you like to do? #4 - Drop a photo of something that brings you joy! I'll go first... #1 - My name is Leilani Lauman Leard, I am a former university professor and corporate legal professional turned yoga therapist, online entrepreneur, and Mind Body Coach. I have lived in 5 continents throughout my life and currently live in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. #2 - What I want out of this community is to be of the utmost service... I want to meaningfully connect with each of you, I want to serve my existing clients, and I want to guide people to reconnect with their true inner wisdom so that they can lead their lives and their teams from a grounded, balanced, connected state. #3 - For fun... well, I find great joy in the work I do... and aside from that...I love hiking, swimming in the ocean, riding my bike, creating tasty whole food dishes, and having deep conversations with my close friends. #4... This is a photo from a recent hike. Being in nature definitely recharges me:-) Let the journey begin!!!
💎 Welcome! Please Introduce Yourself :) 💎
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SAGE Leaders
Prevent burnout through holistic practices for your self and your team
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