Winners Choose to Win
Hey Guys!
One of the things that has been on my mind recently is how can I level up, and how can I do it in a way that builds me foundationally long term. For you who don't know, I am on a journey like you guys are as well and it's to get better personally and professionally. Alongside getting better and leveling up in essentially all areas of my life comes change.
Ill be honest change is hard.. but its essential for growth, without the growing pains there is no growth. So like I put the BAMs and Reaches for you guys, I have made my BAMs and Reaches for myself as well.
  1. Wake up every morning at 5:00 am
  2. Fast till 1:00 pm
  3. Clean whole food diet that is 100% free from processed sugar and packaged foods
  4. Engineer my surroundings optimal for growth
  5. Learning for 3-4 hours every day in matters of business, mindset, and sales only.. no other entertaining content (no YouTube entertainment, short form, or TV shows)
These are just the few things I am going to hold myself for the next few weeks to months to level up to where I want to be.
Growth is uncomfortable, but so it staying where you are at
Choose your hard.
Happy Hunting 🦈
Madison DeCoste
Winners Choose to Win
Sales Alliance Academy Premium
Changing the High Ticket Sales World, one rep at a time 🌎
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