Write something
This may sound dumb but...
MY CAT (who has his own profile on FB) and I were both invited to a group called "Future Billionaires" and my only hesitation was the word "future" cuz it never happens, there is only ever NOW. I thought "oh this will be fun and I can use it to help monetize my cat's profile (on my list anyway) and build my pipeline. HOWEVER, the group turned out to be all about "F4F" and E4E" which I did not know is evidently some sort of thing to outsmart FB algorithms and just get more meaningless followers and engagement. Many in the group talked about just getting out of "FB jail" or "off restriction" and I decided this is totally the wrong focus and my cat and I BOTH left the group. Like, what's up with that/ it seems to be really stupid to me and a total waste of my valuable time and energy. I feel zero glory in amassing zombie followers and collecting likes and sterile cliché comments when I could be juicing lemons or cleaning the algae out of my lovely fountain in my living room. Or clipping my toe nails. Am I missing something important? Open to enlightenment - that is why I am in THIS group.
New comment May 16
Opener personalization in linkedin request
i am curious, whenever that you want to connect people on linkedin, that is an option to send with note or without note On the note itself, do we use the personalization opener to start the connection And also one more thing is If let's say if we use personalization opener to start the connection once other party accepted Can we use the same personalization opener to start a conversation again?
New comment May 14
Any recording for the QnA yesterday
Hi, I missed the QnA session yesterday. May I know if there is a recording for yesterday QnA session?
New comment Apr 27
I want to get quick feedback as well from all of you guys! What do you think is ON YOUR CHECKLIST that you want to tick off and ensure it's solving one of your sales problems? You can select more than one, but prioritize with numbers. Which one is the TOP on your to-do list?
8 members have voted
New comment Mar 13
Need YOUR Feedback
I’m thinking about running a workshop sometime by the end of this month. We’ll break down a step-by-step process of asking the right questions at the right time when you’re doing sales outreach and sales meetings, all in just 90 minutes. Best part? You’ll walk away with more flowing conversations with prospects and even close more deals. To be 100% clear, this would be a paid workshop. (probably about $37 for early birds) Would you be interested? Hit reply and let me know. If enough of you are interested, I’ll make it happen. Andreas P.S. Questioning is the ONLY way to maintain your full control of sales conversation.
New comment Mar 12
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Sales Outreach Accelerator
"Prospect cannot lose. It's YOU, the salesperson, that needs to evolve." -Andreas
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