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Integrating Spirituality and Creativity: How to Express Your Faith Through Art and Work
Greetings, fellow spiritual seekers! Today, I want to invite you to share how you integrate your spirituality with your creativity, art, and work. Do you have a way of expressing your spiritual values, beliefs, or experiences through your creative projects, artistic endeavors, or professional activities? For example, do you write, paint, sing, dance, cook, garden, or do something else that connects you with your inner self, your higher power, or your purpose? How do you balance your spiritual life with your worldly responsibilities and obligations? For example, do you practice mindfulness, meditation, prayer, or mantras during your work day, do you seek inspiration or guidance from spiritual sources, or do you dedicate your work to a higher cause or service? What are some of the benefits or challenges of being spiritually creative? For example, do you find it easier or harder to be creative when you are in tune with your spirituality, do you face any criticism or support from others, do you have any goals or aspirations for your creativity, or do you have any tips or resources to share? Please comment below with your thoughts, stories, or examples. I would love to hear from you and learn from your perspectives.
New comment Feb 11
Integrating Spirituality and Creativity: How to Express Your Faith Through Art and Work
Who are the modern day saints and sages?
We've all heard of the sages from the past but who are the modern sages? Let's ask AI! 🫣 The results can be found in the picture below. In the past, knowledge was more pronounced and deeper due to the Yuga but now we are in the Age of Ignorance or Kali Yuga. Can a sage be qualified by the same distinctions which were found in the ancient past? Please give your thoughts below in the comment section and feel free to list anyone in today's age that you think could also be a modern sage or saint! 🧙‍♂️
New comment Feb 7
Who are the modern day saints and sages?
How to get people to join?
How do we get engagement and build a community of like-minded people? 🤔
How to get people to join?
Bhagvad Gita Satsang.
The BG satsang is going on for the last couple of months and we have traveled to Chapter 15 so far. I guess it will be about 2 months more before we complete it. But, surprise, surprise! I would like to do Srimad Bhagvatam in podcast format and start it ahead of the D-day. Of course the members who join the podcast will get it live but the repository will not be available for others, since we may not post it after post-production and editing. This repository of recorded satsangs will be with Mythistical Foundation for them to create some kind of donations for funding their Non-Profit programs like Agriculture, Women’s Empowerment or Children’s Education. Please let me know what else we can do so that funds for charity will never be in shortage. I know some of you may think that Spiritual Knowledge should come free but then hardly anyone comes forward for good causes. Let me know in comments what else can be done besides these above activities. Thanks. Krsnaknows.
New comment Feb 7
Creating a member directory?
Good day. Jai Shree Krishna. If everyone joins on Skool we can create a member's directory to network and add people easily on all the different platforms. Each person could add their business info, social media pages, skills, or anything else that would be of value. Many people have hidden talents, skills, and knowledge. Let's generate some thoughtful discussion! Leave a comment below! 👇
New comment Feb 3
Creating a member directory?
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Satsang With Krsnaknows
Krsnaknows(KrsnaG) conducts live Satsangs on Bhagvad Gita, Bhagvatam and other scriptures. Also you can find recorded ones on his YouTube Channel.
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