Scholars Pact
Private group
10 members
$129 /month
Join today and get instant access to all 7 courses:
  • Study Tips (For all levels: middle school, highschool, university)
  • IB Geography
  • IB Economics
  • IB Computer Science
  • IB English
  • IB Math
  • CAS
We Provide:
  • Instant Feedback
  • 2 live calls per week
  • My Sample 7/7 IAs and Papers
  • Tailored step by step blueprint to success
  • Community that helps eachother
Scholars pact is a course and community that helps students achieve their desired grades and become the greatest version of themselves. We are not just school focused, but self-improvement focused.
We will help you get your desired grades to get into your dream university and to succeed in unviersity.
This is without a doubt the greatest INVESTMENT of your life. Join now.
Scholars Pact
Helping students across the world
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