Self Improvement Club
Private group
4 members
$29 /month
Join this group if you're looking to get out of your comfort zone, and read new books, while doing new challenges with a community of people doing the same thing. Get inspiration and encouragement from the community to see the challenges through and build lifelong healthy habits that will improve your life.
Your Subscription will include:
-The book of the month(it will be mailed to you)
-access to all the challenge modules for the current, and previous months
-1 hour a week zoom meeting with everyone in the group to go over goals and talk about how their challenge is going.
-access to all the amazing group threads and forums of members talking about their goals, progress, and inspiring one another to keep going.
-Access to great nutritious recipes that will make you feel great, and taste delicious.
If you're looking to get out of the day to day monotony, and join a group that's focused no improving their lives in finance, family, and health while also helping other people do it
You've found it
Self Improvement Club
We read a Self development book every month (sent to you, included in subscription). And do weekly challenges based on that book.
Join for improvement
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