Private group
108 members
This community is for...
  • Those who've tried countless times and still struggle
  • Those who feel stuck and frustrated
  • Those tired of hiding their porn habit from their spouse
  • Those who hate disappointing their spouse with unwanted habits
  • Those who've spent thousands on therapy without success
It’s time to try something different because what you’ve been doing isn’t working. This will challenge your beliefs, shake things up, and change your relationship with porn so that you naturally desire it less.
Inside, you’ll find a supportive community where you can ask questions, feel heard, and help others. You’ll also get access to the free course, "Shame Free = Porn Free."
I’m offering everything for free and only ask one thing in return: YOUR FEEDBACK. Let me know what you think or how it can be improved. Love you all!
Shame drives unwanted habits like porn. This community helps men break free by tackling the root, not just avoiding the problem.
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