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Start & Scale An Online Agency Today 🔥
What’s up hustlers! 💎📲💸 .. If you asked me I never would’ve guessed I could be making $51K-$84K per month in my early twenties by helping local businesses get new clients with Facebook and Instagram ads. All while training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu daily and traveling freely, simultaneously making a huge impact on the clients I worked with in their lives and businesses.. 🤯🤓🥹 But after doing this for the past 5 years I understand how important and relevant it is now.. You see, every business needs someone to help them out with their online presence, their website, their social media, automations, followup, etc… and you can become that person! ✅ Online opportunities for businesses in 2024 are the “Gold-Rush” of this era. ..In the gold rush, there were people who mined gold.. and also those that sold shovels and equipment!🪨 ⛏️ 👨🏻‍💼 By setting up these systems you can be the guy selling the shovels they need to mine this online gold and get new clients for their business! ..And you can work from anywhere in the world, anytime, any way you want.. as long as you can produce results.💯 I’ve been blessed to work with over 486 local service businesses over the past 5 years and after being in the trenches daily I’ve decided to start this program where I can help you get to where I am (and hopefully further)… 🚀 Disclaimer: You have to be willing to do the work! It’s not easy, it takes time, and it will be rollercoaster..🎢 But you will be able to control your own destiny, have time & location freedom, and be able to build your business with no cap on your success. 💎 There is literally more opportunity than I can take advantage of at this point.. 👀 I am looking to work with the biggest action takers here specifically on how to start your own agency, close clients, and get them results that make them look at you like a “utility bill” in their business.🫡 A local business won’t ever stop paying the power bill.. it’s a utility. Just like you can become when you follow this one simple formula I’ve used. 💡
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New comment 15h ago
Start & Scale An Online Agency Today 🔥
From Near Death To 7-Figures and Total Recreation..
Total Transformation Journey… 🚨**Long post alert**🚨 8 years ago I nearly died from drug addiction. I couldn’t stop. I hit my rock bottom and thought my life was over..🪦 I OD’d, was robbed at gun point, and the police had a file as thick as a phone book on me waiting for the right time to clock me for everything.🚔 I was a college dropout bum, making street money with no purpose or direction in life that got mixed up with the wrong crowd and influences that almost cost me my life and freedom.. 🙅🏽‍♂️🚬 What started as fun and games, nights that see the morning, and living a “YOLO” lifestyle with my idiot friends… quickly turned to me almost losing everything. 🍻❄️👎 I was 20 years old down and out at my lowest, and I climbed myself out of that hole.🕳️ Packed my stuff up and moved 45 minutes away from all those people that didn’t want to see better for me or themselves and left that life in the rearview. I listened to audiobooks and podcasts 12 hours per day, I started hitting the gym daily, which turned to hitting the heavy bag, which turned to MMA training, and I had my first cage match after 6 months of training.🥊 I won my fight as the underdog (video below) and went on to win 2 more.. then I shifted my focus to the new outlet in my life (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu). 🤼🥋 It gave me an outlet, purpose, community, and peace. The problem was, I couldn’t afford to compete or train because I had a 9-5 that barely paid me $2k per month.😩 I decided at 20 years old after reading “Think n’ Grow Rich” 3 times that I would become a world champion and build a million dollar business, whatever it took. I saw the vision, set a goal, made a plan, and executed every single day.. ..Five years later through a lot of adversity and work, one of those goals has finally been completed. (Million dollar business) ✅ In the beginning I spent night and day on YouTube learning everything I could to get my online business off the ground..📝 I worked for free to build experience for two years before starting my LLC, then did $100k in my first 6 months of starting my business (during 2020).📈(story in classroom)
New comment 17h ago
From Near Death To 7-Figures and Total Recreation..
Welcome Here: Time To Transform Your Life & Business!
Thank you for being here friend... I think you should know that the contents of this classroom have the power to change your finances, businesses, and life path forever. Use these tactics, mindsets, and strategies wisely.. These strategies have been nothing less than absolutely transformative and life-changing for myself, my clients, and the thousands of people I've connected from a problem to a solution.🤝 You may be way closer than you think to succeeding. You may be one handshake... one program.... one phone call... away from living the life OF YOUR DREAMS!✅ I've put together some free trainings to help assist you on your journey to building a business and a life you love, and I'm honored you are here. Please go through the free masterclasses in the classroom. Be ready, because I didn't hold back ANYTHING. HOMEWORK: Introduce yourself, where you're from, what you do, and share a picture of what drives you to want a better life for yourself! P.S. Don't let this be another thing that you don't do. Hold yourself accountable and go through the materials I have for you here. I invested countless hours, over $50,000+, and many sleepless nights to develop this system and I'm pulling back the curtain for you for FREE. Treat it like it cost you your life savings.. Because not learning this stuff, could literally cost you everything. I'm here from you, DM me if you have any questions, Ideas, opportunites, or items to discuss. My office is open. Thanks and cheers to your success, -Nate
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New comment 3d ago
Short Intro
Hey, My name is Muhammad Imran Khan, I'm from Pakistan. My skillset is offering high DA DR guest posting to low ranking website. Now I want to learn advance lead generation for my business.
New comment 17h ago
will it ever happen
i have been trying to level up i feel like it will never happen what the helll
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Lead Gen & Sales Bootcamp 📈🚀
Welcome to The Lead Gen University’s FREE 7-Day Ads & Automations Bootcamp! Get Everything You Need Ready To Launch Your Next 7-Figure Ad Campaign! 🔥
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