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So this is gonna be a very simple value post just for all the new comers into SimplyClose just going over how each part of the call works in the simplest way possible.
1st: Introduction = Rapport/Explain how the call works
2nd: Information gathering = Background/Financial Q.s ➡️ Pain/Cost/Doubt/Solution Q.s ➡️ Desire/Support (Partner/Spouse) Q.s
Option 1: Super basic transition which is for a type B prospect which is a prospect that is very open to having a conversation & seems quite certain & knows quite a bit of how these calls work.
Option 2: Basic transition which is also for a type B
Option 3: Advanced transition would be a pre-pitch which would be used on a type A prospect which is a prospect that is quite closed off & needs an explanation of how the next part of the call will go.
Pitch: Promise ➡️ Bridge ➡️ Delivery
Commitment: Temperature check (Get them tied down that the pitch, money aside, is what they need to achieve the outcome they told you they wanted) ➡️ Next steps ➡️ investment.
Close: They buy ➡️ we go forward with it.
Charlie Harriman
Helpful Value (4) ‼️
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