Day 14: Reflecting on the Journey
Day 14: Reflecting on the Journey
Reflect on the progress you’ve made over the past two weeks, focusing on your personal growth and financial literacy.
Write a summary of your biggest takeaways from this challenge. Identify one financial habit or practice that you’re committed to continuing and one new goal to work toward.
Journal Tracker:
1. What was the most significant lesson you learned
Perseverance is the best word to describe the lesson that I learned from the 14-day financial journey. This trait is my guiding light to build a forced saving after cutting back on food delivery, cancellation of subscription, etc.
2. How has this challenge changed your perspective on finances?
The challenge has a big impact in my budgeting, cost-reduction, and adopting a simple lifestyle.
3.What is one financial habit or mindset shift you want to maintain going forward?
There's no more looking back on my old self. I must keep this new habit for good to be able to save for my future and buy a home.
I am so grateful for the learnings that I got from the two-week financial journey. I can visualize the positive changes in my finances after I realigned those expenses to my emergency fund.
Lyn Y
Day 14: Reflecting on the Journey
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