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Action Post: Step Out and Make A Move This Week 💪
Alright, guys—it’s time to put all that confidence and strategy into action! Your mission this week: approach someone new—whether it’s at the gym, a coffee shop, or anywhere else. It doesn’t matter who, it’s about flexing that social muscle and stepping out of your comfort zone. When you’re done, come back here and share your experience—what went well, what you learned, and how you felt afterward. Remember, it’s all about progress, not perfection. Each step forward builds that social fortitude. Let's see those approaches and celebrate the wins (and even the lessons). Let’s get after it! ⚡ Comment below once you've completed the challenge!
Complete action
New comment 3d ago
Welcome to Skippy’s Social Edge!
I’m excited to have you all here as we kick off this journey toward building a community of socially confident men. My goal with this group is simple: to help you break out of your comfort zone, master social dynamics, and become the kind of man who can walk up to anyone and command attention. I’ve been through the same struggles—once a D1 wrestler who was terrified of rejection, I’ve transformed my life by surrounding myself with the right people and pushing myself to new limits. Now, I want to help you do the same. I’m really pumped about the future projects we’ve got planned for Skippy’s Social Edge, and I’ll be offering 1-on-1 training for those of you looking for personalized coaching on confidence, social skills, and navigating life like a true badass. We’re here to level up and become stronger, more confident men. Let’s crush it together and build something epic!
My struggles with Cold Approaching (5 days of trying)
Hello guys, I've been going out specifically to cold approach (CA) for the past five days without any previous experience, and I've been very introverted most of my life. Long story short, I did one approach, and I didn't handle the conversation well, but the girl was happy that I talked to her, so at least one good thing came out of this. I learned a lot of things about myself in the process. I aim to include a lot of details so this is probably going to be a longer post. Bear with me guys. Also, this post serves for me as a self-analyzing document and for tracking my progress. The information here is completely unfiltered and honest. My struggles ======== 1. Neverending excuses This is so far the most common issue I have. No matter the girl, no matter the situation, my brain always comes up with a perfect excuse why not to approach the girl. The most common excuses: - There are too many people around her - not appropriate (fear of embarrassment) - She's with a friend - Don't want to approach groups without experience (fear of embarrassment) - She's eating - approaching or longer conversation can be intrusive (might be a valid excuse) - The age doesn't add up - not appropriate (might be a valid excuse) - She is in a hurry - not appropriate (fear of rejection or being intrusive) - She's out of my league (fear of rejection) (does not happen often) - She shows no IOIs (indicator of interest) - (doesn't even make sense for CA) - Generally not appropriate to approach due to something... 2. Waiting for IOI (indication of interest) confirmation Some girls show IOIs. But I consider that to be confirmed after showing at least 2-3 IOIs. In the past 5 days, I realized that I wait for the confirmation often. However, the problem is that in my experience, most of the girls are shy, and will only provide me with the confirming IOI once they are sure that they see you for the last time, and it is too late to act. Note: I try to learn and train CA. I shouldn't even care about IOIs at this point...
New comment 35m ago
The Connection Between Pulling Girls & Crushing Sales
Let’s talk about something a lot of people overlook: If you can pull girls, you can sell. I’ve noticed this firsthand—most of my friends who are good with women are also out there crushing it in sales. It’s not a coincidence. The same social dynamics are at play in both situations—master one, and you’ve already got the blueprint for the other. Whether you’re closing a deal or sparking attraction, it’s all about confidence, reading the room, handling objections, and knowing how to communicate value. 1️⃣ It’s All About Value Exchange • When you’re talking to a girl, you’re not just chatting—you’re communicating social value. Whether it’s humor, confidence, status, or body language, you’re showing why you’re worth her time. • In sales, you’re doing the same thing—highlighting how your product or service solves a problem or adds value to someone’s life. 2️⃣ Reading Social Cues is Key • Both in dating and sales, it’s about reading subtle cues: Is she interested? Is she testing you? Do you need to slow down or take the conversation in a new direction? • With a customer, the same applies: What are they looking for? What objections do they have? What’s really holding them back? The better you get at reading people, the more success you’ll have. 3️⃣ Rejection is Just Part of the Process • Guys who succeed with women don’t fear rejection or overcame that fear. They understand it’s part of the game, and they’re always refining their approach. • In sales, every “no” brings you closer to a “yes.” The mindset is the same: Detach emotionally from the outcome and focus on the process. 4️⃣ Confidence and Control Win Every Time • Whether you’re talking to a girl or closing a sale, confidence is everything. People can sense if you believe in yourself and your offer. And the more you practice, the easier it gets to hold that confident frame, come off conversationally, laid back, and flip the dynamic: No one wants to be sold to, they like to buy. The Takeaway? If you’re already skilled in either pulling or selling, you’ve got transferable skills waiting to be unlocked. The same principles of value, social awareness, resilience, and confidence apply to both. Hone those abilities, and you’ll win in social situations, business, and life.
My day!
Yesterday I scheduled my day for today! As most first tries, it didn’t go as planned at all… more or less! The only thing that went “well” has been the job. I decided yesterday that o would help my father with his work as an employee. It has been interesting but at the same time boring! I don’t think I learned anything because I had just to pail up some old papers, at least I’ve been useful by giving man’s crafts/labour! I did finish and going to by groceries! IM not T… but I feel like that I have no fats in my body! Later I’ll do Some training! And tomorrow I’ll go to talk with the priest for social interactions! I would like to show you my schedule but or I can’t put pictures/my phone is full! How do you handle your phone memory? Day been decent … at least now I know what’s to work for a 9 to 5!
New comment 13h ago
My day!
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