Sey's Inner Circle
Private group
2 members
Do you want to learn from someone who has put in the work over the past 4+ years to grow a 6 figure nail business and 300k follower personal brand?
Topics Covered: Business, Marketing, Nail Technique, Content Creation
What you get:
3 small group calls with me per week
24/7 community access with likeminded individuals
1-on-1 Mastermind: Opportunity to book a 1-on-1 call with me to dissect your business and come up with a plan of attack for you to succeed.
Copy&Paste tested viral video templates
Access to my internal processes, templates
Fill out application below if you'd like to join!
We're only accepting 10 people so be quick...
Sey's Inner Circle
Exclusive community dedicated to helping you hit $10k/mo with your nail business/personal brand
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