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Weekly Meditation Release is happening in 27 hours
Grateful for the first two members. To get started introduce yourself below and comment on one thing you are grateful for today. 🧬💗🚂
New comment 16h ago
15 Minute meditation
This meditation ascends the seven solfeggio frequencies that correlate with the seven chakras of the human body. It ends by returning to the root chakra to ground your energetic system back into the earth. Before beginning, set a clear intention for your meditation practice. This can be as simple as stating “I call in relaxation” or as ritualistic as you like. This meditation has helped others and myself (on numerous occasions) enter deep states of relaxation as one listener commented below: - "Wow, I was sat on the sofa listening and both me and my dog fell into a very deep state of calm. My whole body was tingling." The ascending solfeggio frequencies in this meditation: 396Hz - Root 🔴 417Hz - Sacral 🟠 528Hz - Solar Plexus ☀️ 639Hz - Heart 💚 741Hz - Throat 🗣️ 852Hz - Third Eye 👁️ 963Hz - Crown 👑 Thabks for listening. Stay present.
15 Minute meditation
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Practical Sound Healing
Hosted by Sol Transition.
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