Classroom ( how it's set-up)
Hello Members... So I've laid out the first three free courses in a specific order. The intention is to create a space here that begins to build a higher vibration. The first free course is MASTERING TIME. then the 2nd you'll see is UNLOCKING YOUR POTENTIONAL , the 3rd is PRACTICAL TRANSFORMATION : THE CHAKRAS. now most of your here so far know me and the work. trust me when i say, DO THE COURSES... I keep doing them and getting more each time. they are in an order so that one must be a member for so many days. the first course is accessible on day one. The 2nd, after 15 days of being a member, the third after being a member for 30 days... Thank You! any questions please feel free to ask!
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Kenton Bell
Classroom ( how it's set-up)
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