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Classroom ( how it's set-up)
Hello Members... So I've laid out the first three free courses in a specific order. The intention is to create a space here that begins to build a higher vibration. The first free course is MASTERING TIME. then the 2nd you'll see is UNLOCKING YOUR POTENTIONAL , the 3rd is PRACTICAL TRANSFORMATION : THE CHAKRAS. now most of your here so far know me and the work. trust me when i say, DO THE COURSES... I keep doing them and getting more each time. they are in an order so that one must be a member for so many days. the first course is accessible on day one. The 2nd, after 15 days of being a member, the third after being a member for 30 days... Thank You! any questions please feel free to ask!
New comment 3d ago
Little Reminder Short Video about Law of Attraction...
New comment 3d ago
Little Reminder Short Video about Law of Attraction...
New YouTube Video on Law of Attraction
New comment 3d ago
New YouTube Video on Law of Attraction
Hump Day!
Happy Wednesday Peeps! Today’s a new day… Today anything is possible… Today I create powerful intentions to serve my Big Picture Goals.
The Flow of Universal Time
I love being in the flow! We, society, uses the term “FLOW” often to mean that timeless zen state that’s highly creative.. it’s where the magic happens!! This has much to do with what I refer to as the flow of universal time. I’ll also use the term The Universal Current. This is also about being in the flow with time ! What’s your experience of being in the flow? How’s that aligned with the idea of time?
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Soul Food & Fuel for Life !!!
Accessing Law of Attraction, Modern Magic & Ancient Secrets...
Tapping Inner Technology To Create Success and The Best Life Ever !!!
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