Speakers Momentum
Private group
11 members
Welcome to this new Speakers Momentum Academy group!
I just recently started this awesome group for people who want to learn the nuts and bolts of public speaking. I'm Inviting while I am building and I greatly appreciate your patience.
Why did I start this group?
Several years ago I decided to face my fear of speaking in front of groups. A year later I became an award winning speaker. Fast forward today I am a Certified World Class Speaker Coach with a my brand/training platform Speakers Momentum Academy.
I am constantly evolving and always looking for new and better ways to coach and train, this platform being the latest development.
If you ever wanted to acquire the kind of speaking skills that will seperate you from other speakers you are in the right place!
Take a look around and as things develop you will be the first to know. Thank you for support and taking this leap of faith with me!
So let's make it happen.
Move The World With Your Voice!
Steve Out!
Speakers Momentum
Craft Your First Keynote Speech, Own The Stage, Persuade With Confidence and Become The Leader Others Want to Follow.
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