Private group
2 members
Struggling to become the person you know you can be?
AccountaBuds is the community dedicated to ensuring you reach your goals.
How do we do this?
  • Active engagement through Accountability Posts helping each other stay on track.
  • Weekly Calls to work through any of your problems and check in on your progress.
  • In-depth courses on a wide range of Self-Improvement topics such as Habits, Phone & You, Motivation, and more!
  • A place to find and share resources you've found helpful along your journey.
  • A stern but judgment-free community whose purpose is to get you off your ass and turn you into the best version of yourself.
Looking forward to expediting your success Bud to-be. 👍
Struggling to become the person you know you can be? AccountaBuds is the community dedicated to ensuring you reach your goals. #accountability
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