So first off, you gotta make sure that you're consistently getting in new members to the community.
- Commenting
- Posting
- DMs
- Content
Do those 4 things, and you'll continuously get new members inside of your community.
Then, once you have them inside, you need to make them engaged.
I made a post a day ago about increasing engagement with new members.
Here's what you want to do:
- As soon as they join, record a loom welcoming them in
- Direct them to their action items
- Get an onboarding call booked
- Get them to watch the start here course
- Have a 30 day engagement plan inside the start here course
Those are just simple things you can do to make new members feel welcome.
The next thing you do is to create engagement posts.
Engagement posts are basically posts where you're asking a question, and the viewer either comments, or votes on a poll.
It's called an engagement post for a reason.
Do one of them every single day.
Also make value posts every single day inside the community.
It then makes it extremely valuable, and reinforces them to not leave.
Finally, you want the members to build connections inside the community.
Your network is your networth.
If you help them meet new members inside the community, then the engagement will automatically start rolling.
Hope this helps