How To Make New Members Feel Welcome Inside Your Community
There's a new hidden way to make new members feel welcome inside your community. I've only seen a few people do this. And I've also started doing this as well. As soon as the person joins, you want to send an automated message. Something like: "Hey #NAME, welcome to #COMMUNITY NAME" That's it. Simple. Then, once you have time, record a quick loom that introduces them inside the community. You need to address a few things: - Welcome them - Show them inside the community - Their answers to the membership questions - Their next action steps Making a loom for every member makes them feel warm and welcome, and a higher likelihood of staying inside the community and staying engaged. That is exactly what we want. Next what you want to do is every 24h, make a post inside the new community tagging the new members that have joined, and directing them to what their next action step is. The reason this is so powerful is that members inside the community welcome the new members in, making them feel welcome, and also they can personally connect with them. Now, if you're doing that, then you're already going above and beyond. But... If you want to take it to the NEXTTTT level. Then I would recommend starting a conversation with every new member that joins. Build that relationship. Stay in touch. Just keep following up. That's it. That's the strategy. Do this and you'll be ahead of 99% of community owners out there.