Write something
Introduce yourself and what you do!
Who are you? We want to know! Give us a little break down of where you are currently at with your startup/business. Are you just getting starter? Are you already 5 years into your business? And then write the best piece of advice you have ever been given!
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Welcome to Startup Support Squad!
I want to start off by saying – being an entrepreneur is hard as hell. I’ve been in the game for over 8 years now, running a bridal shop with my wife that has grown to over 30 employees, and along the way, I’ve started four other businesses that didn’t take off. One of my ventures hit over $12 million in its first year, and I thought I had found my golden ticket. But markets change, industries shift, and we’ve recently had to make the tough decision to close up shop. Honestly, this stage of my life feels like a crossroads. I’ve learned so much through the ups and downs – more than I ever thought possible – but now I’m ready for a new chapter. At this point in life I'm not looking to grind out my own startup; instead, I want to bring my skills and experience to something established and already has some legs underneath it. But let me tell you, navigating this next step is tricky, especially when you’ve been out of the job search game for so long. And that’s exactly why I’m creating this community. Startup Support Squad is something I wish I had from day one. A place where entrepreneurs like us can come together to share the highs and lows, learn from each other’s mistakes, celebrate the wins, and feel seen by people who get it. If you’re here, it’s because you know the hustle. You know the struggle. And I want this to be a space where we can grow together, make mistakes together, and support each other through the messiness of entrepreneurship. So, welcome to the Squad. Let’s do this together! Cody
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Startup Support Squad
A community for entrepreneurs to connect, share insights, and tackle business challenges together. Build, grow, and succeed!
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