Strive Basketball Community
Private group
128 members
$19 /month
Every athlete and coach needs a support system. A community where you can celebrate your wins but more importantly support you when you are down.
The Strive Mastermind is a community of die hard coaches and athletes looking to leave no stone unturned. We believe that in order for any coach or player to optimise their full potential they must understand the game of basketball with these 4 pillars.
1.) Mindset (In order to get where you want to go you need to become a different person)
2.) Physical Performance ("Strength and Conditioning", movement, agility, energy systems its all there!)
3.) Skill Development (The technical part on and off the ball) Evidence based training that will your skills and IQ to the next level.
4.) Tactical Understanding (Understanding how to make the game "Easier" so you can layer the new found skills your learned onto the intelligence!
In order to change your beliefs, standards and results, you need to change your environment, you have finally found the right one!
Strive Basketball Community
Bridging gaps for Global Basketball Training through skill, tactics, athleticism and mindset.
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