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New Morning Meditation for Quitting Sugar
Hey Gang, Check out this meditation that you can use every morning during your journey to sugar freedom! A little hint on how to use this: When you wake up, if you need to use the bathroom do that quickly with no lights and no interactions. Then jump back into your warm bed and turn on the meditation. "Bed Meditation - Bed Med". It's that important time between sleep and wakefulness where your mind is VERY susceptible to these suggestions. ENJOY! Mike
New comment Feb 29
New Morning Meditation for Quitting Sugar
Welcome! (START HERE - Please Read 👀 )
I am SO excited to welcome you to our brand new group. This is going to be the #1 most active and engaged group for sugar addiction & sugar detox support! Here's EXACTLY what to do next... Step #1: Introduce yourself HERE. Step #2: Read below to find out how to get the most out of this group! 1. The ‘Community’ Tab is where you post questions, comments, and most importantly… your #WINS! Don’t be afraid to post. The community we’ve built here is the most welcoming and supportive group of folks I’ve ever seen around the topic of sugar! Just promise me that if you are stuck on something, ASK! 🙂 2. The ‘Classroom’ Tab is where you’ll find the 100% free “Last Resort Sugar Detox Video Course” + the Amazon Best-Selling book that goes hand-in-hand with the video course. This course + book will give you a solid understanding of why you may be addicted to sugar AND steps to begin taking back control from sugar starting today! 3. The ‘Calendar’ Tab is where you can join us for our bi-weekly Q&A coaching calls with me personally. Our first group Q&A coaching call will be held on June 5th. Just click on the blue link inside the calendar at the time of any call and join us LIVE on Zoom. And no… you do not have to have your camera on unless you want to. On these calls you can share an experience, ask any questions, or even just listen in (someone may ask a question that you hadn’t even thought about yet)!  4. The ‘Leaderboard’ is where you can unlock special prizes. Every time someone likes your posts or comments, you get a point. For example, you start on Level 1. It takes just 5 points to get to Level 2 (5 LIKES on any posts / comments you do). At Level 2, you unlock our Sugar-Free Recipe book - ReciFree! At level 4, you unlock a free masterclass on how to instantly eliminate any and all sugar cravings… Seriously, this will be a game changer for you when trying to kick any sugar habit regardless of where you’re at along your sugar-free journey 🙂
New comment Apr 30
Welcome! (START HERE - Please Read 👀 )
Wonderful morning meditation. My starting point.
Just did Mikes meditation. Beautiful. This is exactly what I need. My starting point. Thank you
Thinking about rejoining sugar freedom tribe after a year of self reliance.
Hi folks. It has been a year since I went back on sugar and flour. I tried many things to give it up. Everyday I try and somehow everyday I lose control and find myself getting that sugar/dopamine hit.Everyday I give up sugar, flour and caffeine and everyday the different parts of me persuade me to intake them. Telling myself I will just have this and I will start tomorrow. I can see so clearly my addiction as I review my past year. I know so much about it and yet I feel powerless. Really considering OA or similar 12 steps but the language not really resonating with me. I work night shifts so caffeine helps with energy but I know I want to stop this. I guess I am reaching out. Tired of trying to do this alone. Tired of not feeling my healthy vitality. Tired of not having food freedom.Can't get passed first day. I know I need to do the 30 day challenge. This is the first time I logged into Platform in ages, so I guess, I am nearer to the 30 day challenge link than before😅. I was able to get off sugar and flour last year, so I know I can do it again. Just not hearing and recognising the subconscious parts within until it is too late. Thanks for reading. It was important for me to share this. Sam, Ireland
Little White Lies we tell ourselves
I try not to lie to others… Sure, we are all guilty of “little white lies.” (usually when you can’t bear to hurt another's feelings) But for the most part, my communications with others are honest. Lying to myself, however, is an entirely different story. For over a decade, I lied to myself about using drugs and alcohol… Crashed a car and nearly killed my friend. Got arrested while lying on the gurney in the hospital. My solution? Don’t drink and drive for another five years! (Just drink). I wet the bed because I drank too much beer… Solution: Drink only vodka. You get the picture. When it came time to look seriously at my sugar addiction, I had similar “workarounds” mentally… Maybe you have them too: - Drink diet soda - Use other artificial sweeteners. - Eat only dark chocolate. - Cut way back and try moderation. - Hypnotism - Prayer - Quit the sugar, but the flour is OK. - Every supplement under the sun - Every diet ever written - Fasting - Weird (and, come to find out - dangerous) cleanses of all types like: - Candida Die-off cleanse - Master cleanse - I now know why that thing has maple syrup in it! - Again, you get the picture… It took me over two years of “trying” to get sugar-free finally. 1. I was ashamed to open up to another because I didn’t have anyone to talk to about it.  And B. Because I was in denial that it was “that bad.”(it was) So what about you? If you are like most of our clients, you have had this “issue” on the back burner for decades… Since high school, you may have gained between a pound and three pounds yearly (sometimes much more) and have never had any health issues. Now, the weight will not come off no matter what diet you try, and little health things are coming up… Like: - Pre-diabetes or flat-out diabetes-two - Of course, the weight - sometimes substantial weight - Skin issues - Brain fog - Rheumatoid arthritis 
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