Tailored Coaching Method
Public group
3 members
$49 /month
The Tailored Coaching Collective is a place for average individuals looking to achieve above average physiques to learn science-backed strategies, that are broken down into simplified systems, so that they can transform their body and mind.
Inside our community, you'll be surrounded by like minded individuals who are working 1-on-1 with our coaches and/or consuming the content created publicly through our various social platforms. However this is a level up from that, because there is a paywall to access this content! Which means it's exclusive, more in depth, gives closer access to Cody and his team, and the individuals inside are EVEN MORE committed than the average podcast listener or instagram follower.
EVERY MONTH you'll be involved in the ongoing discussion AND get access to 2 live calls, 1 being a private podcast with Cody and the other being a specific coaching-workshop. You will also get the opportunity to purchase advanced courses, only available to members.
Tailored Coaching Method
We Help Average Individuals Achieve Above Average Physiques and Live Above Average Lives. This Community Is Where We Gather and Grow, TOGETHER.
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