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Small group sign-up for med school advice
Salaam! Interested in speaking to a mentor about getting into med school? Tajdid is working with Muslims in Medicine to roll out our small group sign-ups for the summer. Check out the spreadsheet (linked below) to find a mentor of interest, we have 2 for med school advice. The sessions are capped at 6 students per mentor. Link:
Small group mentorship lead opportunity
Assalamu Alaykum. Interested in providing specific advice to resident and/or med school applicants about your specialty or application experience? We are gathering interest in small group meet-ups where you can meet with a limited number of students to impart your wisdom and advice for matching at your institution / specialty. Instead of sitting through the same generic application panels on zoom where you can only give general pointers to an audience you can’t really interact with, the idea of these small group sessions is to create a supportive environment where you can actually get to know the applicants and give no holds barred advice. You can sign up to lead a virtual or in-person session for any single hour you're available, and after we’ve gathered enough session leads we will let applicants sign up to meet with leads such as yourself. If interested, fill out the sign-up form linked here.
Secondary Help?
Salam. Anyone willing to help me with my secondaries?
New comment Jul 18
Ophthalmology camp in summer
For anyone who might be interested: “Dear students and ophthalmology enthusiasts, It is with pleasure that we are opening the registration process for this year's Summer School of Practical Ophthalmology held in Prague! The event will take place between 12-14th July at Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine and its affiliated Department of Ophthalmology. The program offers you opportunities to tighten your grasp on the basics, learn new practical skills and see the newest developments in Ophthalmic science. All of this in the heart of Europe with the added benefit of being able to meet your peers from all around Europe. The event is free of charge. The application form can be found: applicants can see further information and program of the event on our website: The registrations are open until the 10th of June, when we will notify the applicants of the results.”
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Launching a Muslim community to guide youth careers, with hopes of sparking a modern Islamic renaissance (tajdid) and restoring Muslim excellence.
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