Tattoo Masterclass
Private group
246 members
$39 /month
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πŸ‘‹ Join The Tattoo Masterclass & learn how to become a professional & fully-booked tattoo artist (step by step). Get the framework Torsten used to win X30+ Global Tattoo Awards and keep his tattoo studio fully-booked with international high-paying clients.
What You Get Inside:
βœ… My Full Tattoo Masterclass from the basics to color realism (Learn new methods, tricks & techniques from award-winning tattoo artist)
βœ… Extremely detailed 98+ HD videos, & PDFs (Pre-recorded - watch in your own pace)
βœ… Daily VIP access to Torsten to answer your questions
🎁 Monthly contest win a 1-1 coaching session w/Torsten
🎁 Bi-Weekly Live Q&A Zoom Call
🎁 Monthly Live Tattoo Critique Zoom Call
🎁 Live Map: Collaboration, Apprenticeship and Guest Opportunities
🎁 Seminars, Workshops, and Bonus Courses from Torsten and guest tattoo artists
Tattoo Masterclass
Learn how to become a professional & fully-booked tattoo artist.
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