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Welcome To The Tax Community!!! Attention TAX PROS! Tired of the 9 to 5 grind and dreaming of starting your own successful tax practice? You're In The RIGHT PLACE! Welcome to this awesome Tax Professionals community! I see you are interested in growing your tax business and I’d love to help. I am here to support you and through my COACHING & TAX SOFTWARE, teach you the step-by-step process of launching a successful tax practice, from setting up your business to attracting and retaining clients. Also register below for my Tax Business Training to learn about the 3 mistakes tax business owners make and how to resolve! Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, I've got the tools and resources you need to succeed. You will get access to exclusive tips, strategies, and insights from me, a CPA of 15 years who launched my successful practice 8 years ago! REMINDER: CHECK OUT THE TAX BUSINESS RESOURCES DISCUSSION & CLASSROOM RESOURCES TO GROW YOUR AMAZING TAX BUSINESS! Chat in a bit, -Tiffany V., CPA & Owner of Cents Savvy The CENTS SAVVY TAX TEAM Mark Aiza Lawrence Angella Ralph Leah
Introduce Yourself!
Introduce Yourself! Hey Tax Pros Community! Please take a quick moment to: 1) Introduce yourself 2) Where you're from 3) What is your first goal you want to accomplish in the next 30 days related to the growth of your tax business?
Complete action
New comment Jun 5
We Are Moving To The Tax Business Academy!
Hey Community! As most of our members have moved to the Tax Business Academy already, we will be archiving this group Sunday 6/23/24 and moving everything over to the Tax Business Academy. If interested in enrolling in the 12 month academy, start by registering for my Free Tax Webinar that discusses what it takes to grow a successful tax practice. Here's the link to register: See you soon! -Tiff
We Are Moving To The Tax Business Academy!
How to Balance Marketing & Daily Operations for Maximum ROI
Struggling to juggle marketing and daily tasks? Learn how to prioritize your marketing activities based on their impact and ROI to streamline your business operations. #tax #marketingtips #businessgrowth #roi
New comment Jun 14
How to Balance Marketing & Daily Operations for Maximum ROI
SOLD OUT!!! Your SavvyTaxPro Academy Offer Only $297 - See If You Qualify!
THIS OFFER WENT FAST! DO NOT WORRY, I STILL HAVE AN AMAZING OFFER FOR YOU. REGISTER HERE: Tax Business Owners are reaching out to join my exclusive 12 Month SavvyTaxPro Academy that gives them what they need to prepare for the next Tax Season with confidence! My Academy is for Tax Business Owners who are looking for: - WEB BASED TAX PREPARATION SOFTWARE UNTIL OCTOBER 2025! - TAX BUSINESS COACHING FOR THE NEXT 12 MONTHS! - TAX, AUTOMATION & MARKETING COURSES - CONTINUOUS TAX BUSINESS LEARNING FOR THE NEXT 12 MONTHS! - TAX COMMUNITY & NETWORKING FOR THE NEXT 12 MONTHS! - LEVELING UP THEIR TAX PRACTICE OVER THE NEXT 12 MONTHS! To kick off the new Academy season, I am offering a select few the opportunity to join for ONLY $297! We are about 70% filled in this offer, so please fill out the qualification survey to see if you are eligible and enroll to secure your spot. TAX BUSINESS ACADEMY QUALIFICATION SURVEY I look forward to working with you! Tiffany V., CPA Cents Savvy SavvyTaxPro Academy
New comment Jun 9
SOLD OUT!!! Your SavvyTaxPro Academy Offer Only $297 - See If You Qualify!
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Tax Biz 101-Start Your Success
Build Your Tax Business to $100k+ in 12 Months Using My Proven 3 Step Tax Biz Strategy!
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