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Why most people aren’t successful
The reason most people don’t succeed is because they’ve consumed the wrong information without even realizing it. Our brains are basically just a place to store information and most people will listen to the people around them(who aren’t successful) and never really question it. This deluded view of the world causes them to align their actions to these beliefs and they end up living like everyone else. They will suffer because they don’t have the beliefs of a succesful person. So choose the people you want to learn from and consume their content intentionally instead of just mindlessly listening to people who aren’t successful.
Stay hard
New comment Feb 12
Just released my first course!
I just published my first course about advice I would give to my younger self. Be sure to check it out and let me know what you think!
You can change
2 years ago I felt invisible. And I still get that feeling sometimes in one of my classes. I realized that a lot of it is due to my own mind and how I feel like I’m not talking enough compared to the extremely talkative people around me. But I realized all of this is in my control. I changed from two years ago and I can change again. I will always have problems but I must get good at solving them.
New comment Feb 8
Stop planning and take action
Taking action will give you clarity. By starting this skool community, I took action and gained clarity about what to do with it. I came up with ideas and now have a vision of what I’m trying to do with this community. So sometimes you just have to dive right in to the task and then the unknown wi be much clearer.
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Team SHN
A place where intelligent like-minded men can share their ideas and grow together. I’m interested in social skills, baseball, and philosophy.
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