The Better Buy
Private group
100 members
$1 /month
Monthly Membership increasing to $2 at 200 members. Join Now to lock in Your lowest monthly membership Ever!!!
What's in it for you?
  1. A Place to ask specific Questions on current tech.
  2. A community of people sharing their experiences to help you out.
  3. Recognition for your Awesomeness!!
  4. Monthly Competitions and Prizes!
  5. Live Streams for those specific Tech Questions.
  6. Early Access to my new tech videos.
  7. Saving tons of $$$ by not buying the wrong tech.
+ As the Group Grows, so will the monthly Giveaways.
The Better Buy Community is here to give you
"The Information You NEED, on the Stuff that You WANT."
So you can make The Better Buy. :)
I started this community after being mislead by “influencer marketing” and wanted a more balanced perspective. This community is here to offer that to the world.
Monthly Membership will increase by $1 for every 100 members. Whatever Monthly Membership you join at is what you have for life. :) Join now to lock in Your lowest membership ever!!
The Better Buy
A TECH Community to give you
"The Information You NEED,
on the STUFF that You WANT"
So you can make The Better Buy!
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