Is Self-doubt creeping in just at the point when you want to make yourself heard at work?
I used to think that feeling some self-doubt was a sign that I wasn't cut out for the big leagues at work. But the truth is, everyone feels some level of self-doubt.
How you manage your inner critic is so crucial to raising your voice and getting seen and valued for your contributions to conversations & meetings.
In this episode you'll learn:
→ The top limiting beliefs that keep black women from elevating their self-confidence
→ My Number 1 tip to give yourself a BOOST and show up as a fiercely confident leader at your next work meeting.
Everything I will teach you can be done in as little as 5 minutes & you could literally be blazing trails the next day in your work meetings if you implement what you’ll learn.
Listen to more on my take in the latest podcast episode No 114 which you can find on your favourite podcast listening app 🎧
In the meantime, I'd love to hear your views below 👇🏽
What do you do to feel more confident in work meetings?
Rebecca Muriuki
Is Self-doubt creeping in just at the point when you want to make yourself heard at work?
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