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Monday elevateHER Podcast Chats 🎧 Are you in full integrity?
Weekly Monday Podcast Chats are where we keep the conversation going from the elevateHER podcast. This thread is for the episode, "What learning to play tennis has taught me about growth & comfort zones” 🎧 You can find this episode over here or by searching for this episode title on the elevateHER podcast, on your favorite podcast app! It's very easy to say that you want the Director/VP promotion this year, but are your thoughts, feelings and actions in alignment with your vision? The results that you have had in your career are directly related to your integrity and commitment to your career vision. So if you want to achieve a BIG step-up in your career, then listen to this episode to find out how to step into full alignment to your vision, in your everyday micro-decisions, micro-actions and micro-thoughts. ➡️ I'd love to know - what micro-action are you taking this week to step into your next level of leadership at work? Drop it below in the comments, we are here to cheer you on!
Monday elevateHER Podcast Chats 🎧 Are you in full integrity?
How learning tennis has made me grow in my corporate career 🎧
Monday Mindset Podcast Chats are where we keep the conversation going and dive deeper into the topics on the Monday Mindset Elevate Podcast! This thread is for the episode, "What learning to play tennis has taught me about growth & comfort zones” 🎧 You can find this episode over here or by searching for this episode title on the elevateHER podcast, on your favorite podcast app! This has been a STRETCH year in so many ways. But learning a new skill has given me so many different perspectives that are not always obvious when you are focusing on overdelivering and exceeding your KPIs at work. I made a decision to learn how to play tennis earlier in the year instead of just watch it from the couch and criticize my favourite players when they weren’t winning. Safe to say this is one of the hardest things I’ve learnt in a while and I’ve taken so many of these learnings into my corporate career. BUT I didn’t do it alone - I decided to hire a coach to transcend what could’ve been years of learning into months. And I’m now ready to play my first match in 2024! Tune in to find out how you can learn from the ups and downs of learning a highly technical skill, and elevate your career in 2024 ➡️ I'd love to know - what did you think? Any insights, reflections or takeaways you'd like to share in the comments? Do you have any questions about this topic or episode?
New comment Dec '23
How learning tennis has made me grow in my corporate career 🎧
Stop paying most expensive taxes in your career
Wow this podcast is 🔥 If you haven't listened to it please do You will know that your confidence needs to be guarded jealously! I loved totally and this definitely going to be on replay a few times
New comment Dec '23
Podcast chat 🎙️ The one thing that successful women ALL do
Too many women are stuck in a mid-level manager ‘crisis’ NOT because they can’t deliver at work… 👇🏽 But because they can’t see what leadership at the next level looks like. And if you’re a black woman, maybe there isn’t anyone who looks like you in leadership in your org…which makes it even more inaccessible to see impactful black women leaders in action. It’s hard to know who you need to be if you’ve never been in close proximity with the kind of person who is already where you want to be. I know this because my mid-level crisis ended when I MOVED & found my community of BOSS Women 🔥 I MOVED into a new level of leadership when I decided I’ll never try to do leadership on my own. And that’s why for 3 years in a row I have never failed to put myself in a community of high-vibe high-powered women who are miles ahead of me ✅ Because it’s made me uncomfortable But it’s also activated my in ways I never thought were possible In today’s podcast episode, I talk about the power of community to accelerate your career growth. Find it here on iTunes or here on Spotify. What do you like most about being in a community of corporate women like the BOSS Movement? Comment below 👇🏽
New comment Nov '23
Podcast chat 🎙️ The one thing that successful women ALL do
Is Self-doubt creeping in just at the point when you want to make yourself heard at work?
I used to think that feeling some self-doubt was a sign that I wasn't cut out for the big leagues at work. But the truth is, everyone feels some level of self-doubt. How you manage your inner critic is so crucial to raising your voice and getting seen and valued for your contributions to conversations & meetings. In this episode you'll learn: → The top limiting beliefs that keep black women from elevating their self-confidence → My Number 1 tip to give yourself a BOOST and show up as a fiercely confident leader at your next work meeting. Everything I will teach you can be done in as little as 5 minutes & you could literally be blazing trails the next day in your work meetings if you implement what you’ll learn. Listen to more on my take in the latest podcast episode No 114 which you can find on your favourite podcast listening app 🎧 Apple Spotify Google Podcasts Stitcher In the meantime, I'd love to hear your views below 👇🏽 What do you do to feel more confident in work meetings?
New comment Nov '23
Is Self-doubt creeping in just at the point when you want to make yourself heard at work?
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The BOSS Movement
Welcome to the BOSS Movement! For Self-led women who are ready to elevate their careers and be the BOSSES at work.
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