Monday elevateHER Podcast Chats 🎧 Are you in full integrity?
Weekly Monday Podcast Chats are where we keep the conversation going from the elevateHER podcast.
This thread is for the episode, "What learning to play tennis has taught me about growth & comfort zones”
🎧 You can find this episode over here
or by searching for this episode title on the elevateHER podcast, on your favorite podcast app!
It's very easy to say that you want the Director/VP promotion this year, but are your thoughts, feelings and actions in alignment with your vision?
The results that you have had in your career are directly related to your integrity and commitment to your career vision.
So if you want to achieve a BIG step-up in your career, then listen to this episode to find out how to step into full alignment to your vision, in your everyday micro-decisions, micro-actions and micro-thoughts.
➡️ I'd love to know - what micro-action are you taking this week to step into your next level of leadership at work? Drop it below in the comments, we are here to cheer you on!
Rebecca Muriuki
Monday elevateHER Podcast Chats 🎧 Are you in full integrity?
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